Another solid week with tons of crazy weather. Last P-day we had our first district activity which was a sports day at the chapel which was really fun. Lots of basketball football and ping pong etc and we all managed to get sun burned pretty bad.
Thursday I went downtown to get my "Carte de Sejour" which is just temporary residence papers similar to a visa. It was also insanely hot as well. The hottest day of the year I'm sure and it even rained a little so the humidity was also insane. We somehow managed to sweat more by not moving!
Friday we managed collect a pack of like 5 dogs who would not stop following us. They even followed us into a corner store and we had to explain to the owner the situation haha. To get rid of them we had to climb to the top floor of an apartment building, walk to the opposite side and take a different stairwell down out of sight of the dogs. It was ridiculous. Another crazy hot day as well.
Saturday we had a lesson with our only investigator on date for baptism named Laurant. He asked us tons and tons of questions and the lesson took like 90 minutes.
Sunday we got to go to this farewell dinner that some members in our ward put on for Elder Tauotaha who is in our district who is going home back to Tahiti this transfer! Its gonna be sad to see him go but the mission life goes on. It was probably the best food I've had since being here. Crazy good.
Monday it was pouring rain all day. When it rains here in New Cal the whole country seems to shut down. No one ever goes out side and no one wants to do anything which kinda makes it hard for us. Also two soaking wet white guys isn't the most appealing thing to let into your home I suppose haha. We even ran into one guy in this apartment building who stopped and talked to us for 45 minutes straight about how we were not following the holy ghost because we were proselyting in the rain. He liked what we were doing as missionaries but he told us to wait till the sun comes out again haha.
Tuesday we had a great district meeting. The last one with Elder Tauotaha ); Also two Elders from our district, Elder Gray and Ursenbach are leaving to Ouvea to teach for 4 days! Ouvea is one of the outer islands that only has an annex of church members. Whenever someone out there wants to get baptized president will fly a companionship out there to teach and baptize them. Crazy stuff. Till next week!
Avec amour,
-Elder Burbank
Pics: Views from the chapel right across the street from the regional airport; The casual burnt minivan that wasn't burnt like that 4 days ago and a van chopped in half.
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